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  /  Intersectionality


Intersectionality is understood to mean that social categories such as gender, ethnicity, nation or class cannot be conceptualized in isolation from each other, but must be analyzed in terms of their “interwoven” or “intersections”. Additive perspectives should be overcome by focusing on the simultaneous interaction of social inequalities. It is therefore not only about the consideration of several social categories, but also about the analysis of their interactions.
Lesson 1 Intersection between Gender and Diversity
Lesson 2 Barriers for Women Migrants
Lesson 3 Deconstruction – Migration – Female Migrants and Minorities
Check what you have learned! Read the questions, try to answer yourself and then verify your answers by clicking on them. Good luck!

What means intersectionality?

Intersectionality is understood to mean that social categories such as gender, ethnicity, nation or class cannot be conceptualized in isolation from each other, but must be analysed in terms of their “interwoven” or “intersections”.

What means intersectionality between gender and ethnicity?

Multiple inequality, that could not be explained by one criterion or by adding two criteria. For instance, black women therefore have a very special combination of disadvantages that can be effective in different contexts as education, work, etc.

What do we understand by intersectional pedagogical attitudes?

Intersectional pedagogical attitudes are to reflect our own pedagogical praxis, to move away from the images of the “others”, to work with the resources of participants, to have a critical look at identities, to be aware of the connection between subjective life situations and structures and to try to make visible the diversity in your team.

Which individual barriers perceive female migrants and female minorities in adult education?

Ethnicity, gender, age, knowledge of language, self-confidence, financial situation, educational level ……..

Do you know some institutional barriers in adult education?

Adult education institutions have to prove how open they are for female migrants and minorities: on the level of aims, basic principles, didactic, offers, team, outreach efforts.

Do you know some structural barriers in adult education?

They depend on the policies of each country, for instance is it important to include female migrants in adult education. It is the frame, where Community Education Facilitators are working. Community Education Facilitators should be aware of it and should also have visions about better conditions in future.

What are our ideas about migration, female migrants and minorities? How can we prove it?

We always should check stereotypes and prejudices with a fact-check, because sometimes we think we are right and are wondering when we look at the objective reality.

Which European country has the highest migrants share?


Do female migrants live traditional gender roles?

There are many women with migrant background who do not live the traditional gender role. Try to find an example in your country.